Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ukraine Begins Employing Giant Combat Robots for Security [Robots]

"TIS is proud to inform that we are the first in our Kominternovsky region to employ Giant Humanlike Combat Robots within the Security Department. Model TIS-1CB." That's the caption for this photo. What are they up to in Ukraine? Updated.

Seriously, if anyone has a detailed explanation for this thing, please shoot me an email. [Pravda]

Update: Thanks to all those who sent in the explanation for this strange metal fellow. Sergey G's details, in particular, were very helpful:

TIS (Transinvestservice) is logistics company near Odessa. They had problems people finding their warehouse (you know - knowing to turn left after 15 km and stuff like that), so TIS set up an giant robot made from old cars as a signpost.

As a side-note: "Giant Human Like Battle Robots" is a popular meme in Russia and Ukraine. "When [are we] going to employ Giant Humanlike Battle Robots to protect our borders?" was a winning question for Putin on his nationwide interview with Internet folk. Yuschenko (Ukrainian president) was asked this as well since then.

Send an email to Rosa Golijan, the author of this post, at etbyvwna@tvmzbqb.pbz


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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cats are natrualy talented

funny pictures of cats with captions

Cats are natrualy talented when it comes to evil plans.

iz in our blood.

Picture by: dunno source Caption by: mattbru77 via Advanced Lol Builder

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Prezident cat

funny pictures of cats with captions

Prezident cat iz safe

ill take a bullet 4 u anyday. (via IHAH)

picture: dunno source, via our lolcat builder. lol caption: n0s

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Model Rocket Fail

Its a model rocket X wing... Guess R2 couldn't lock down that stabilizer!

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Freddy used to hunt birds the same way as any other cat.

funny pictures of cats with captions

Freddy used to hunt birds the same way as any other cat. Until he found a military bolt-action rifle in the basement…

dont needz a gun. just needz a wet kitteh.

Picture by: dunno source Caption by: Coyotekitty via Advanced Lol Builder

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Monday, December 21, 2009

You Can Have Furries At Your Wedding, Too!

You can have Furries at Your wedding too!

Submitted by: www.furaffinity.net/user/da-fox via Submit Page

For the low-low price of $299.99, a Furry will drop by your wedding for extended photo opps, lifestyle tutorials and children’s entertainment. End-of-the-decade special!

It’s not just a fursuit … it’s a state of mind. 


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The lesser known reindeer,

funny pictures of cats with captions

The lesser known reindeer, Angry.

just call me furious.

Picture by: dunno source Caption by: 1pixie via Our LOL Builder

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Hare Force pilot

funny pictures of cats with captions

Hare Force pilot

u part of bunway airlinez?

Picture by: dunno source Caption by: mlundercuffler via Our LOL Builder

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There Is Also A Sign Here.

There Is Also A Sign Here.

Submitted by: I took this photo in Pittsford, NY via Oddly Specific

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Train Stop

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I don't normaly do the lunch/food post thing but today feels worth it.

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Wow! I didn't r

via tweetie

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Monday, September 07, 2009


5 major outages in one day.... What the hell is going on at my work.

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#atwork got an office to myself at the moment. Door says "techninal infrastructure coordinator" haha

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Disaster planning

#atwork Disaster Planning fun. Currently at backup site ready to failover if needed.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Idea Space

Sent to you via Google Reader

Idea Space

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Idea Space | Comments]

[Advertisement] Want to advertise here? Your ad will show in the blog and feed.

Sent from my iPhone

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Alpha Version of DIY Google Lattitude

I'm not going to link to the content yet... But ive just finished developing the core of a DIY Google Latitude workalike.


Friday, February 06, 2009

Improved tagging in Google Reader

Heavy Google Reader users may have noticed a few subtle changes lately...
Over the last week Ive noticed changes to the tagging behavior and they appear to have settled down, with the current changes having stayed in effect for nearly 48hrs so far. [Before this the changes were not fixed and had usually changed again in about 24hrs]

I cant confirm if this is widespread or just being bucket tested, but Google appear to have begun to use a more intelligent tagging function.

Where as the old version was a rigid match, and many of the people using the auto-completion in the tagging system have probably had that moment where we realized that we just created a brand new tag with 1 single letter different that now doubles the time it takes us to tag because we have to tap out a few more letters before we know for certain that's the only tag its going to use.

The new tagging function appears to be using a fuzzy matching system that guesses at which of your existing tags you want to label the article.
While this may slow down people creating new tags, it does seem to be a better match to my normal usage. I tag with existing tags more often than I want to make a new tag.

This is the look of the old behavior.

If you make a mistake, say I continue typing the word Interesting, but I type 'a' instead of the 'e' that comes next, the tagging system will assume this is a new tag, and when i hit enter to select the suggested tag, it will save the text as a new tag and then ill have an unwanted new tag 'Inta'

These unwanted tags get in the way when trying to continue reading & tagging articles. Now this may seem pedantic but when your reading over 250 articles/entries/posts a day, the annoyance can add up to a significant level.
Getting rid of them basically requires you to open up the settings, switch around the tabs in settings & delete the tag, before refreshing the whole of Google Reader, to make sure nothing is cached.

After the new changes however things a lot better. The improved fuzzy matching means that it will only show your existing tags, placing the one that fits best at the top of the list of suggestions.

The new matching looks like this.

As you can see from these 2 examples. The new matching will avoid creating new tags by accident.

Having deliberately typed something that doesn't match my tags, it suggests a near match from my existing tags rather than creating a new tag.

This is the kind of polishing that's been a bit missing from most of the software I've seen lately. Its good to see people paying attention to the finer details again.


Monday, January 12, 2009

First Boot

The first of the 4 IBM e-Server x-Series x330 Servers i bought is now online & booted to the basic OS.

Im having a well deserved Scotch to celebrate the achievement. Ill detail the config after I unwind...
6 hrs of working blind before i could get the thing to use a serial console from post to prompt so I've earned a little relaxation now while it compiles stuff.


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

New Hardware Arrived

My 4 IBM eServer xSeries x330 servers arived yesterday.
Unpacked them. Checked all the parts as good. Good condition all round.
Will be installing an OS on the first one soon...


Monday, January 05, 2009

New Project, Currently running in Stealth mode

Currently working on some very interesting stuff.
Quite surprised how quickly its coming together...

The work is currently in silent running mode till its anything more than a test code...
An alpha/tech demo may be ready soon...
More details to come...