Well I'm going through an incredibly busy few weeks at the moment and with a million things going on its hard to even work out what your doing when your doing it, let alone what else you need to do.
The short list for me includes distributed systems assignment work from university, Open Card framework development in Java for a wireless information devices assignment. As usual theres exams rolling in soon so theres going to be lots of study for those.
But along with all that theres a few spare time things... with what little spare time i do have.
Ive recently started experimenting with the Psyc protocol and it seems very interesting.
Among my server fiddlings, Ive installed Apache 2 and Mod_Python on my server . They were fairly straitforward to do and run well. Though compiling apache with the Threads useflag does fill up the output of ps -aux a fair bit.
Along with the regular apache fiddling every other admin does, ive also been setting up and testing out Subversion with some success so far, and begun looking at setting up Trac to go with the subversion server.
And in a fit of insanity i attempted to install the Zope and Plone stack. users of this amazingly powerful software incluide SGI, NATO, and NASA. Well i got it installed after the 4th try. But the hassle didnt end there, once installed i had to contend with rather developer centric documentation that did little to explain what i could do with the stack without custom coding. As well as having reams of errors for various reasons as i waded through the issues. The final error that killed it for me was that after getting a fully configured and setup, i began recieving errors when trying to simply create new content for the site. What good is an amazingly powerful web application engine to me if i cant post a single thing to the website Im running on it?
None. So Zope + Plone have fallen from my favour as i begin exploring Pylons.
Along with the various software experiments underway Ive got my hardware experimenting in full swing and will post a list of the hardware later.
Arrange Your Code to Communicate Data Flow
5 weeks ago
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